What We Believe
Our Mission and Commission
The Training Center "The House of David training Center" is a House committed first with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to minister to Him and make him comfortable through every kind of expressions of worship, cooperating with the Holy Spirit creating a Prophetic Atmosphere, second, to Impact, help & Train the community that don’t have hope or lost faith, the “House of David Training Center” have the commission of Jesus to heal the broken hearted, and the sick and make disciples so they can fulfill their destiny in the Kingdom, training them through different courses on the Kingdom and the gifts of the Spirit with Biblical & balanced Revelation of God's Word.
Our Mission and Commission
The Training Center "The House of David training Center" is a House committed first with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to minister to Him and make him comfortable through every kind of expressions of worship, cooperating with the Holy Spirit creating a Prophetic Atmosphere, second, to Impact, help & Train the community that don’t have hope or lost faith, the “House of David Training Center” have the commission of Jesus to heal the broken hearted, and the sick and make disciples so they can fulfill their destiny in the Kingdom, training them through different courses on the Kingdom and the gifts of the Spirit with Biblical & balanced Revelation of God's Word.
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Thursday Evenings
8:00pm AST
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retreat for worshippers
More information to come! Let us know if you would like to join us!

ya se siente single Official liric video
Click in the link below to see & hear some Christmas music from Puerto Rico!

It is time for the Army of the Lords Warriors to arise!

available soon!
December 10, 2024, to get your copy!
December 10, 2024, to get your copy!

available now!
CD LIMITED EDITION available, find us on Facebook to get your copy!
CD LIMITED EDITION available, find us on Facebook to get your copy!

Now you have access to The Sound of Glory wherever you go! It is now available digitally on all streaming platforms!
Meditating one afternoon after releasing my previous book I said to myself, Lord I have worked so diligently on previous assignments that I would like to take some time to replenish, However, the Lord did not say a single word, but his silence was clear and forceful enough that I understood that this was like telling me, son, the time is shortening and it is necessary to occupy territory. I honestly ignored the conversation, if only for a very short time, because a few days later he spoke to me again but this time with a word that shook me. Identity!
I asked him, what do you mean by this? To which he repeated, again, Identity. I want you to write about this topic. I believe that the earth has entered a prophetic phase in which the enemy’s target is the identity of Man and Woman. This is the beginning of the greatest test God’s creation has ever been given. Once I told the Lord yes, I immediately shared this new revelation with my Queen so she could help me pray. Not twenty-four hours passed before two of my spiritual daughters confirmed that this was the will of the Father. So sure was the confirmation that my daughter, Prophet Davina Stallworth, mentioned the title of the book. Needless to say, we all started to laugh.
I want you to understand that I do not doubt the instructions of the Father. From November 2019 until May 2021 I had worked tirelessly completing the live recording of The Sound of Glory, my fourth book, Your Kingdom Come / Manifest Kingdom, and my first piano instrumental CD. As I started to pray, asking for guidance from the Holy Spirit, he began to reveal to me the importance of writing on this subject.
Every day the enemy has been distorting the identity of God’s creation. He knows he has no other way to delay the advancement of the body of Christ and his leaders. Since he achieved the fall of Man in Eden through deception, he has continued to advance his evil plan by lying. If we study the scriptures we can see how it was possible that the woman and the man created in the image of God could fall into step with such a lie. They were deceived with twisted words remarkably similar to God’s instruction. This is how the enemy still manages his strategy and sets his agenda to denigrate the identity of the Father’s creation. The root of this deception can be traced back to the heart of Lucifer. The Prophet (Ezekiel 28:2) wrote that the key word is Pride. Read it for yourself in any translation.
2. “Son of man, say to the prince of Tyre, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says:
“’Your heart is proud and you said, “I am a god; I sit in the seat of gods, in the heart of the seas’— yet you are a man and not a god, though you think you are godlike.
Ezekiel 28:2 (NET)
The condition of his heart made him what he is to this day, and it is exactly what he so eagerly seeks to re-create in us. The pride that led him to turn from a beautiful archangel into a decaying monster, as well as make us disobedient rebels instead of the children of Almighty God that we already are. We must stop trying to find an identity that has already been given to us. Why do you think the rise of the fight against racism and its “rights” is as alive as when it began? It is amazing to see how much lack of identity and confusion continues to manifest itself in the children of YHWH when it should not be so. The only battle we should have to fight is for the world to know the Father and his only Son, Yeshua, through us.
3. Now this is eternal life—that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you sent.
John 17:3 (NET)
My Prayer is that the Lord speaks to your heart, answering prayers and questions you may have had for a long time, bringing a significant shift into your life. This book was meant to be written in such a time as this. Our present challenges are nothing other than an opportunity to show the world our true Identity as Sons of the Most High God, YHWH!
He desires to show His heart through our heart, His face through our face, His power through our faith and obedience. I prophesy that every delay in your life that is the result of life struggles from the point of false Identity, comes to an end through the Identity of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit manifesting the freedom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! And the first step is telling the Lord Jesus, here is my heart. I surrender it before you. Fill it with your Holy Spirit and with fire! From this day on I will walk in my true Identity: a Son of God. Amen!
Now to start on an amazing journey along with me, begin journaling on each chapter. Maintain a state of expectancy for the Lord says:
… the one who created you, O Jacob, and formed you, O Israel: “Don’t be afraid, for I will protect you. I call you by name, you are mine.
Isaiah 43:1 (NET)
I asked him, what do you mean by this? To which he repeated, again, Identity. I want you to write about this topic. I believe that the earth has entered a prophetic phase in which the enemy’s target is the identity of Man and Woman. This is the beginning of the greatest test God’s creation has ever been given. Once I told the Lord yes, I immediately shared this new revelation with my Queen so she could help me pray. Not twenty-four hours passed before two of my spiritual daughters confirmed that this was the will of the Father. So sure was the confirmation that my daughter, Prophet Davina Stallworth, mentioned the title of the book. Needless to say, we all started to laugh.
I want you to understand that I do not doubt the instructions of the Father. From November 2019 until May 2021 I had worked tirelessly completing the live recording of The Sound of Glory, my fourth book, Your Kingdom Come / Manifest Kingdom, and my first piano instrumental CD. As I started to pray, asking for guidance from the Holy Spirit, he began to reveal to me the importance of writing on this subject.
Every day the enemy has been distorting the identity of God’s creation. He knows he has no other way to delay the advancement of the body of Christ and his leaders. Since he achieved the fall of Man in Eden through deception, he has continued to advance his evil plan by lying. If we study the scriptures we can see how it was possible that the woman and the man created in the image of God could fall into step with such a lie. They were deceived with twisted words remarkably similar to God’s instruction. This is how the enemy still manages his strategy and sets his agenda to denigrate the identity of the Father’s creation. The root of this deception can be traced back to the heart of Lucifer. The Prophet (Ezekiel 28:2) wrote that the key word is Pride. Read it for yourself in any translation.
2. “Son of man, say to the prince of Tyre, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says:
“’Your heart is proud and you said, “I am a god; I sit in the seat of gods, in the heart of the seas’— yet you are a man and not a god, though you think you are godlike.
Ezekiel 28:2 (NET)
The condition of his heart made him what he is to this day, and it is exactly what he so eagerly seeks to re-create in us. The pride that led him to turn from a beautiful archangel into a decaying monster, as well as make us disobedient rebels instead of the children of Almighty God that we already are. We must stop trying to find an identity that has already been given to us. Why do you think the rise of the fight against racism and its “rights” is as alive as when it began? It is amazing to see how much lack of identity and confusion continues to manifest itself in the children of YHWH when it should not be so. The only battle we should have to fight is for the world to know the Father and his only Son, Yeshua, through us.
3. Now this is eternal life—that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you sent.
John 17:3 (NET)
My Prayer is that the Lord speaks to your heart, answering prayers and questions you may have had for a long time, bringing a significant shift into your life. This book was meant to be written in such a time as this. Our present challenges are nothing other than an opportunity to show the world our true Identity as Sons of the Most High God, YHWH!
He desires to show His heart through our heart, His face through our face, His power through our faith and obedience. I prophesy that every delay in your life that is the result of life struggles from the point of false Identity, comes to an end through the Identity of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit manifesting the freedom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! And the first step is telling the Lord Jesus, here is my heart. I surrender it before you. Fill it with your Holy Spirit and with fire! From this day on I will walk in my true Identity: a Son of God. Amen!
Now to start on an amazing journey along with me, begin journaling on each chapter. Maintain a state of expectancy for the Lord says:
… the one who created you, O Jacob, and formed you, O Israel: “Don’t be afraid, for I will protect you. I call you by name, you are mine.
Isaiah 43:1 (NET)
take your position
After being born and raised in the gospel; being processed and over processed with many prophetic words fulfilled and some to be fulfilled - God impressed upon me to write this book. Based on my personal experiences of how having lived my whole life in the house of the Lord, I developed so much bitterness, lack of forgiveness and rebellion for being the target of religion, manipulation, control, envy, lies, jealousy, abuse, betrayals and lack of parenthood inside and outside the church. I accumulated too much rage, frustration, hurt, anger until I did not care about anything. But with al that, I was carrying of me, my anger toward God and the church and my bad decisions in life; He took it upon Himself to keep seeing in me a grown Queen; a woman full of gifts, purpose and destiny.
Experiment with me through these pages full of healing and restoration, the covenant promises between you and Jesus from eternity discovering and understanding your position and pupose in the army of the Lion of the tribe of Judah.
"For I know the plan I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for goof and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."
Jeremiah 29:11 NLT
"And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finish on the day when Christ Jesus returns"
Philippians 1:6 NLT
Luego de ser nacida y criada en el evangelio, de ser procesada y sobre procesada; de muchas palabras proféticas cumplidas y algunas por cumplirse. Dios me insta a escribir este libro basado en mis vivencias personales; de como estando toda una vida en la casa del Señor desarrollé tanta amargura, falta de perdón y rebeldía por ser el blanco de la religión, manipulación, control, envidia, mentiras, celos, maltrato, traiciones, falta de paternidad. Dentro y fuera de la iglesia. Acumulé demasiada ira, frustración, heridas, coraje hasta que no me importó nada. Pero con todo lo que estaba cargando dentro de mí y el coraje con Dios y la iglesia, mis malas decisiones en la vida; Él se encargo de seguir viendo en mí a una Reina en crecimiento, a una mujer llena de sus dones, propósito y destino.
Experimenta conmigo a través de estas páginas llenas de sanidad y restauración; las promesas de pacto entre Tú y Jesús desde la eternidad descubriendo y comprendiendo tu posición y propósito en el ejercito del León de la tribu de Judá.
“Pues yo sé los planes que tengo para ustedes -dice el Señor-. Son planes para lo bueno y no para lo malo, para darles un futuro y una esperanza.
Jeremías 29:11 NTV
Y estoy seguro de que Dios, quien comenzó la buena obra en ustedes, la continuará hasta que quede completamente terminada el día que Cristo Jesús vuelva.
Filipenses 1:6 NTV
Experiment with me through these pages full of healing and restoration, the covenant promises between you and Jesus from eternity discovering and understanding your position and pupose in the army of the Lion of the tribe of Judah.
"For I know the plan I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for goof and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."
Jeremiah 29:11 NLT
"And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finish on the day when Christ Jesus returns"
Philippians 1:6 NLT
Luego de ser nacida y criada en el evangelio, de ser procesada y sobre procesada; de muchas palabras proféticas cumplidas y algunas por cumplirse. Dios me insta a escribir este libro basado en mis vivencias personales; de como estando toda una vida en la casa del Señor desarrollé tanta amargura, falta de perdón y rebeldía por ser el blanco de la religión, manipulación, control, envidia, mentiras, celos, maltrato, traiciones, falta de paternidad. Dentro y fuera de la iglesia. Acumulé demasiada ira, frustración, heridas, coraje hasta que no me importó nada. Pero con todo lo que estaba cargando dentro de mí y el coraje con Dios y la iglesia, mis malas decisiones en la vida; Él se encargo de seguir viendo en mí a una Reina en crecimiento, a una mujer llena de sus dones, propósito y destino.
Experimenta conmigo a través de estas páginas llenas de sanidad y restauración; las promesas de pacto entre Tú y Jesús desde la eternidad descubriendo y comprendiendo tu posición y propósito en el ejercito del León de la tribu de Judá.
“Pues yo sé los planes que tengo para ustedes -dice el Señor-. Son planes para lo bueno y no para lo malo, para darles un futuro y una esperanza.
Jeremías 29:11 NTV
Y estoy seguro de que Dios, quien comenzó la buena obra en ustedes, la continuará hasta que quede completamente terminada el día que Cristo Jesús vuelva.
Filipenses 1:6 NTV

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We believe in giving excellence to our Lord Jesus Christ and to you His people. We have committed our lives to Him and to express His heart.